don't fret, it's just me.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

4B, 3B, 2B, BCBG

i bought a new set of pencils yesterday. i wanted to get all B and H shades but singapore kept nagging at the back of my mind. so i got a 4B, a 3B, a 2B and 2F's. I*#^@#*!! i thought i got myself an HB, and then when i opened the package at home, i found 2 F's. AKML.

but anyway, i set down to work. so i leafed through old magazines and picked a picture. i picked a cozy spot on the floor (yes, i draw on the floor) and tried to see if i still had it in me.

so far, so good. my brother was playing with his ipod and he took this picture while i was examining the drawing. god, i missed using a pencil right. plus, the Maped eraser was heaven sent.

i couldn't get the shape of her face right. i seriously considered leaving it like this. chinless, fat girl.

but i drew her a chin in the end. and though she doesn't look exactly like the girl on the picture, i'm pretty proud of this. after n years, i finally drew again. i'd forever be grateful for this pair of hands.

i'll be drawing at least once a week now. huzzah!

delicious ambiguity.

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