don't fret, it's just me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

sketcharoo 21

it feels soooo good to have two days off. i almost forgot how weekends feel like. thank god for holy week.

here's my twenty-fourth. i've always wanted to draw her because her eyeshadow is beyond awesome. hahaha! yes, small things convince me. turqouise is one of my favorite colors. aside from ROYGBIV. :p

i started out with the hair this time. i wanted to perfectly depict the shine on her hair and the individual strands on the shiny part. and then there's her plastic headband. i just love the way her hair was fixed with the headband. whatisthis a fashion blog?? hahaha. no. just saying.

it's a pretty big drawing, pretty much like the last one. i occupied almost the entire 9"x12" sketchpad page. i don't have horror vacui but i love it when i am able to fill up the entire page.

overall, i love this piece. but i'm missing my pupils.

there's another one in the works as we speak. i hope i'd be able to finish it by tonight (after the pizza party).

delicious ambiguity.

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