don't fret, it's just me.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

sketcharoo 12

i was browsing through deviant art last night and my self-esteem was shattered. hahaha. there are sooo many great artists out there and i feel so small being in the same website as them. compared to these people, i have no talent. their drawings are of epic proportions and mine is smaller than microscopic. i watched youtube tutorials too and it was only then that i realized how really far behind i am in this "craft improvement" goal of mine. but that didn't stop me of course. i discovered the secret that is the kneaded rubber eraser and i was determined to try it out, first chance i get.

busy day at work today, even if it's a sunday. after work, i headed straight to the bookstore to buy me a kneaded rubber eraser. i also bought a mechanical pencil; i learned it's best to use on eyelashes.

when i got home, i immediately set down to work.

yes, when your self-esteem is shattered, only julia roberts can put it back together again. so i tried to draw her. TRIED. hahaha. i even drew grids this time. and i measured each point with a ruler. i drew her using exact science. i said, if she's not going to look like julia roberts after this, i'm gonna shave my eyebrows.

i like these grids. they make everything look so pro. LOL.

i wanted to try shading her whole face but i wasn't ready to ruin the drawing. cowardly, i tell you. hahaha. but i think she looks a bit like julia right? well anyway, im happy with her. cheers to grids and kneaded rubber erasers!

delicious ambiguity.

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