don't fret, it's just me.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

sketcharoo 7

yesterday was such an exhausting day. not to mention emotionally draining too. i went to sleep thinking about VS q15minutes, up-titrate levophed by 2, down-tritrate dopamine by 3, CBG Q1, up-titrate SAI drip, suction blood per nares, suction blood per orem, measure UGIB, transfuse 7 units of platelet concentrate, transfuse 4 units of PRBC O+. i hope my GCS 3 patient is still around later.

i have time to burn so i drew. this project is always at the back of my mind. every chance i get, i draw. i put myself in my own pressure cooker. i want to finish it before the middle of the year.

so here's my ninth. a burberry ad this time.

i've always loved this ad. it's actually a three-page advertisement that features all things orange from burberry.

you know the drill. eyes first.

her messy bangs bothered me so i started with that after the eyes.

her fur coat looks like a fat caterpillar on her shoulder. LOL. sorry about that. i have much to learn about texture. haha. i never really liked fur coats anyway. those poor furry animals. everytime i think about fur, i think about this:

so no to fur coats please. :(

delicious ambiguity.

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