don't fret, it's just me.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

sketcharoo 4

the last few days have been overwhelming. the books i read, the letters i wrote, the friends i met, the conversations i've had. at one point i really just wanted to crawl into a corner and wait for all of it to pass. but i don't because i don't have the luxury to do so. life goes on even if you want a few seconds of standstill.

i'm pushing through with my 30-faces sketching project. after that, i might try and re-explore colored pencils and watercolor. found this set on the internet and it has the best reviews. costs a fortune too. but i'll cross the expensive bridge when i get there.

so here is my sixth drawing for the project.

i was going to draw nicole kidman but she's just too pretty. i was afraid i wouldn't do her justice. maybe she can be my 30th drawing.

i always have a hard time with noses. i never seem to get the shape or the shading right. i wanted to highlight the T-zone but that would entail shading the whole face. i'm just not ready to mess things up that much yet.

i'm not too ecstatic about the result but for now this will do. next time, i'll try not to draw with a heavy heart. it shows.

delicious ambiguity.

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