don't fret, it's just me.

Friday, August 22, 2008

ten feet off the ground

people have been apologizing to me a lot lately. they say "sorry" with a gazillion exclamation points and another gazillion gasps and sighs at the end that it becomes hard to dig up the sympathy/empathy beneath them.

i used to be content with people's apologies. it used to make me happy knowing that they realize their mistakes and that they are human enough to admit them just as much as they are human enough to commit them. but i realized, it shouldnt end there. humanity should be the limit, not the logic behind our mistakes. it is human to err just as much as it is human to choose to err. our mistakes were our choices. apologies cannot undo these mistakes. the spoken word can only heal so much.

i dont need your gazillion exclamation points, nor your literary gasps and sighs. i need you to act in apology.

delicious ambiguity.

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