so i'm trying to finish my first-ever personal project and it's taking forever. i'm down to two more drawings and i can't believe i cannot find the motivation to get this over with.
maybe there is more truth to what i said during our stress debriefing session a few weeks ago: that this big ass stressful incident that happened a few months ago drove me back to art and that art is my main form of escape. it's a good thing, no, it's a great thing but the thing is, i can't seem to draw as much now. is it because i'm not stressed enough? LOL. that's disturbing. but this lack of motivation is killing me. the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
on a more positive note, my scanner's up and running again! it pays to have engineers for brothers. i will upload scanned versions of my drawings one day.
i realized i was not able to blog about my singapore trip. i've been too busy at work. yikes. last time we were in singapore, i was still a kid. that was probably around 1997. i remember i loved the place even then. imagine my shock when i saw what it is now. it's an amazing place. painfully clean and orderly. the discipline is just WOW. i have high respect for the people there. i wish we'd be able to develop the same kind of discipline here someday. but then again, i guess that would change us too much. we wouldn't be the same people.
i wasn't able to maximize the trip. three days was just too short. that and my brother got sick so we couldn't move around too much. but it still was a breath of fresh air. it felt amazing to be away from work for a while. i think i'm going to need more trips in the future. seriously considering taking trips alone.
hahaha. no, this is not my forever alone mode. just a bit maybe, but nah. if there's one thing i learned from my SG trip, that would be harmony with solitude. it's okay to be alone. most of the people in singapore get by on their own (and their iPhones. God, everyone and i do mean EVERYONE owns an iPhone in singapore). they're all independent and i think it contributes a lot to their growth as a country. but everyone's too serious out there. a work day is a work day. serious-business-minded people. if i probably stayed there too long, i'd be changed and all the cheer in my body would be sucked out of me.
but i had fun in singapore. universal studios was amazing. i wish i could have stayed longer. and gah, we missed the great singapore sale! FML.
one day, i'll come back here.
Whenever you feel uninspired, remember that video! Do something, do anything!!
Hey that trip must've been great! I'm bit jealous lol
Unfortunately the feeling of being alone is part of living in a digital era. Most human contact for now days come from the net, so I believe most people feel somewhat empty inside because of that.
Anyways, thats why we adapt ^^
Take care! Cheers!
i think i should watch that video again. thanks for reminding me. hahaha. and yeah, the digital era sucks! hahaha. kidding. everyone's on the computer most of the time. bah. but that's okay i guess. there are still some great people online anyway. thanks!! :)
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