(picture courtesy of yahoo.com)as the murky water finds its way into your mouth, your nose, your being, would you hate the world for your suffering?
as the people around you are dying and you remain safe, would you feel guilty for the life you're still dearly holding on to?
as you pray with all your might, as you muster all of the faith you have kept alive since your conscience was born into being, would you hate God for not saving you this one time you needed Him the most?
as you struggle to find logic, mercy and salvation in suffering and pain, would you find peace in not knowing?
i pray for the children whose first sight of the world is that of a world in pain. they deserved to see their mother and father looking down at them with smiling faces: a picture of hope, love and life. but instead they see tears, fear and an imminent death. they did not have enough time to understand the sort of love that brought them here, not enough time to grow up and understand life.
i pray for all those who had to endure the immensity of nature, who had to embrace the whole of nature's rage. they did not know what was coming, everything just washed down upon them, taking away everything that they held dear. it wasn't fair that some had to die while the others lived but the game of survival never had its rules.
i pray for those whose brave hearts and courageous souls saved everyone they could reach, even if it meant risking and offering their own lives. the whole of humanity will forever be indebted to you for you were unselfish during those rare moments when you deserved to be selfish. you are heroes in the highest sense and although you never lived long enough to know how much we value what you have done and how grateful we all are to you, we know that you are right where you belong now: in a place far away, in peace and in the arms of the only bigger Savior than yourself.
i pray for those who are in pain. one who has not experienced the same thing you have can never fathom the pain the you are going through right now but we want you to know that we sympathize with you and that we want to help you in any way we can. i am sorry for the lives you lost, i am sorry for the homes that were destroyed, i am sorry for everything that we can't undo. but i pray that you find the new dawn that awaits you. i pray that you find peace and heal eventually.
i pray for those who don't understand what sort of tragedy we all went through. maybe someday you will learn how real and tangible pain is and i hope that when that time comes, a helping hand will find its way to you. only then would you understand how much pain your insensitive words caused all of us.
i pray for new beginnings and a stronger faith. i pray for deeper love and greater appreciation of life. i pray for tougher bonds and more helping hands. and i pray that we don't give up.
delicious ambiguity.