the 2010 elections are almost here and the politicians are all over the place again. out to prove themselves or prove themselves wrong. out to be with the masses or just widen the gap between them. out to outwit or out-bitch the other candidates. i never liked the election season.
because i can't stand listening to them mumble about things they don't know, here's a short message to our politicians:
i dont know how many of you really sat down and thought to yourself if you could handle the country. you dont just decide to run because people are egging you on, or because you have the money to paste your face all over the metro and on the palms of everyone, or because your parents are great and you sincerely believe you inherited that innate greatness too. you do not run for president on a whim. you sit down and think. you think for days, weeks, months. you think about the country, the people and all of their problems. dissect the philippine condition and develop opinions, plans. youre not supposed to figure out a solution to a problem when you are on the hot seat, being questioned by the whole world. you are supposed to carry the country on your shoulders. and we need someone who is strong enough on his own.
we do not expect you to know everything. neither do we expect you to do everything. we are a nation and we are bound to help each other pick ourselves out of this mess. but what we expect from you is that you be prepared. the people need more than just your pretty face on your pretty posters. we need more than your money. we need more than your promises. we need your strength, your faith, your mind, your hands and your heart.
delicious ambiguity.